Sunday, May 1, 2011

Leopard Nails

This season seems to be all about the "shattered" or "crackled" effect on top of tips, but if your like me, your already pretty sick of this trend, as all your friends by now have jumped on the bandwagon. Well, I've come up with the perfect alternative. Leopard nails! Now, this super-cute nail has been around forever, so if anything I'm a little late on this... but after doing my research, a.k.a youtube videos, blogs, I've found all of there tutorials a little bit... confusing! Way to much work, and if your like me, you can't even do nail art, or let alone konad stamp your nail... But, with some practise I think I've perfected the perfect leopard nail! Tell me what you think, and expect a tutorial sometime this week!

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